A room full of random

flights of fancy, politics, science, and whatever else catches my eye

I Know, I Know …

Posted by Skylia Z Ember on January 2, 2010

I haven’t said anything in two and a half days.  In my defense, it’s because BBCA was running a three-day-long marathon of the entire new series of Doctor Who leading up to The End of Time Part II, in which we say farewell to David Tennant, and ever so briefly say hello to Matt Smith.  If you’re a Who fan, I hope you watched it tonight, because it was terrific.  It was tragic and beautiful and uplifting and heartbreaking and everything I expect from the Doctor – from this Doctor, anyway.  Damned exciting, too.  The final bits, the goodbyes, were heartbreaking.  I cried from the moment he knocked to the moment that the new Doctor realized he had legs.

So, anyway.  I’m back from nerdland, and will be back up to full capacity tomorrow.  Until then, internets, be good!

7 Responses to “I Know, I Know …”

  1. mrfixit said

    I watched quite a bit of it yesterday, until dinnertime, when mrs fixit said enough, and fixit jr took control of the remote. But not before I programmed the dvr to record all the rest of it 😀
    I’m looking forward to seeing The End of Time 1 and 2. I got hooked on Dr Who as a teenager, when pbs was airing it with Tom Baker, who was one of the best Dr’s, imho.

  2. Skylia Ember said

    Fixit, watch them nao if you haven’t all ready. They were brilliant. Part 2 was just exhilarating. Really, really great storyline for the both of them (of course, they are Master episodes, so how could they not be great? Simms was brilliant), and a really beautiful and tragic goodbye to Tennant.

    While I will always love Tom Baker, I really think Tennant was at least as good a Doctor as Baker was. He brought whimsy and light and cheer and just a hint of the bitterness of Eccleston’s Doctor (I thought Eccleston’s Doctor was very, very dark – an interesting take on the Doctor, the manic craze that he brought to the role, which made a good jumping-off point for the lighter, pacifistic Tennant).

    Anyway. Yeah. Watch’em and tell me what you thought. 🙂

  3. mrfixit said

    Will do, but probably not till wednesday (my day off).I agree about Tennant being as good as Baker, and I thought Eccleston was decent as well. Baker just brings back fond memories of my youth, before it became misbegotten 😉

  4. mrfixit said

    Finally got to watch The End of Time part 2, omfg was it brilliant! I almost cried, and I rarely do(at movies or tv shows at least). His farewells were full of heartache, but joy as well. Very moving, loved it. Now this new Doctor better not eff it up, lol.

  5. Skylia Ember said

    I cried for the last half an hour. Literally. It was brilliant. And I have to say that Matt Smith did a pretty good job of capturing my interest in the 20 seconds that we actually got to see him in, so I have high hopes. Stephen Moffat hasn’t let me down yet; he’s put together the best episodes of the new series – Blink, Silence at the Library, Bad Wolf, etc. – and he seems to know what’s going on. I have very high hopes for season 5!

  6. mrfixit said

    for you

  7. Skylia Ember said

    I am so the fangirl they’re talking about.

    David Tennant is so yummy.

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