A room full of random

flights of fancy, politics, science, and whatever else catches my eye


Posted by Skylia Z Ember on May 4, 2010

It’s slowly getting cheaper and cheaper to get into space.  Which is a great, great thing.  Thanks to a firm called Space Adventures (who get no points for creative company naming), it may soon be possible to get to the place where space begins and spend some time weightless, without having to be an astronaut, or, as was previously the case, quite as much as the average millionaire.  Now, if you’re a lower-end millionaire, you can book with Space Adventures for just over $100,000. 

Which is pretty darn cheap, all things considered.

One Response to “Yeeeeeees!”

  1. Vmaximus said

    Hi Sky!
    in a few decades I might be able to go to space!

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